Tender watch
We record and categorize all public tender calls on our tender watch website, which is updated daily, based on the notices published on TED and the Hungarian e-procurement system (EKR). The database is only available in Hungarian, please use Google Chrome's plugin to translate the page to your language.
Checking the suitability of your company
Our tender watch website automatically collects the relevant information from the tender call regarding the financial and technical suitability criteria, so you can check right away if your company is eligable to submit an offer. Just click on button 'Can I apply?' next to the tender calls!
Contact Us!
Contact Form
Details for direct contact:
Attila Dull Dr.
accredited public procurement advisor
Address: 3/2. Liget utca, 2040 Budaörs, Hungary
Tel: +36 302537574
E-mail: dull.attila@primeconsulting.hu